Friday, November 02, 2007

Micro Chipping your pet

Saturday update: Adoption Plus sponsored a great program on Saturday that Courtney and I decided was a great preventative idea for our beloved dogs.

We got our dogs Emma (6 pound Yorkie) and Snowflake in the Wind "Flakey" (106 pound White German Sheppard) micro chipped in hopes that if they become lost or worse (stolen), we will have a easier time in locating them.
If you have pets it might be something you want to consider.

The cost was $35 and it took only a few minutes to do and with only one painful yip from both Emma and Flakey. There is paperwork to fill out (at home) and send in to the American Kennel Club, and then your pet is good to go. Most Veterinarians, animal control officers, and people like the Pet Motel in Corinna, have the wand to recongize and read the chip from then on.

For me, it is worth the money. I had one Yorkshire Terrier stolen from my yard 5 years ago, so it is a little more "insurance" for me.

Call Dexter's Animal Control Officer Kathie Ricker or Dr. Rick Dubois at Dexter Vet Clinic for more information. Or you can call me 924.3067

1 comment:

Digital Flower Pictures said...

I have been thinking of doing this but thought it cost a lot. probably isn't $35 around here but I am going to look into it.